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August 2024 core update: What Business Owners Need to Know

The August 2024 Google Core Update is a significant change to how Google ranks websites in its search engine. If you’re a business owner and not deeply familiar with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), here’s what you need to know:

August 2024 core update
August 2024 core update

What’s happening?

Google is making significant changes to how it ranks websites in search results. This “August 2024 Core Update” started on August 15, 2024, and will take about a month to fully roll out.

What’s the goal?

Google wants to show more helpful content to people searching online. They aim to reward websites that provide genuinely useful information and demote those that don’t.

What kind of content will do well?

  • Content real people find helpful and informative
  • Original, high-quality content
  • Content from small, independent websites (if it’s good)

What kind of content might not do as well?

  • Content created just to rank well in search engines
  • Low-quality content that doesn’t provide much value to readers
  • Content using “tricks” like keyword stuffing or over-optimization

What does this mean for your business website?

If you focus on creating helpful, original content for your customers, you might see better results in Google searches.

If your website has mostly “filler” content, content copied from other sites, or content designed primarily for search engines rather than users, you might see worse results.

What should I do?

  • Keep creating content that your customers will find useful and informative.
  • Review your existing content: Is it genuinely helpful and relevant to your audience?
  • Don’t worry too much about “tricking” search engines. Focus on your actual customers.

If you’ve recently improved your website, Google says this update will try to recognize those improvements better.

When will I see changes?

It might take a few weeks to a month to see any significant changes in your search rankings. Keep an eye on your website traffic during this time.

How to monitor and respond:

  • Over the next month, closely watch your website’s search rankings and traffic.
  • If you notice significant changes, don’t panic. Instead, focus on improving your content quality.

Stay informed by checking Google’s official updates and advice for webmasters.

Why this matters:

This update is a significant change in how Google evaluates websites. It’s an opportunity for businesses that create valuable, original content to potentially improve their visibility in search results.

The August 2024 Core Update is a major overhaul of Google’s search algorithm, designed to prioritize high-quality, useful content while demoting material created solely to perform well in search rankings. This update focuses on rewarding websites that offer genuinely valuable information, especially those from small or independent creators, while targeting low-value, SEO-focused content.

August 2024 Core Update

August 2024 core update is a significant change to Google’s search algorithm, rolled out on August 15, 2024. This update aims to improve search quality by prioritizing genuinely useful content and demoting content created solely for search engine performance. Key points:

  • Focuses on promoting high-quality, original content
  • Supports small and independent sites with valuable content
  • Takes into account feedback from creators since previous updates
  • Full rollout expected to take about one month
  • Emphasizes content that users find helpful rather than SEO-focused material

For businesses, this update underscores the importance of creating authentic, valuable content for users rather than search engines. Monitor your website’s performance over the coming weeks and focus on providing genuinely helpful information to your audience.

As the update rolls out over the next month, businesses should monitor their search performance, ensuring their content is original and user-centric to maintain or improve their rankings.

External Sources August 2024 Core Update

Is Your Website Ready for Google’s August 2024 Update?

August 2024 core update

Google’s latest change rewards quality content. Don’t let your business fall behind!

  • Get an actionable SEO audit for $399
  • Learn how to create content Google loves
  • Boost your rankings with expert strategies

Act Now: Contact us for a chat now

P.S. Don’t wait – your competitors won’t!

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